{"id":7019917,"status":1,"site_id":330,"cid":"news","category":"新闻","game_id":0,"thumb":["https://oss.gtarcade.com/ucms/48e50e7d-28e7-4423-9830-ade0e27d1f11_2024-04-25.png"],"create_time":"2024-04-25 11:45:44","page_title":"","page_keywords":"","page_description":"","title":"Legendary Skill-Drastic Action and Infinite Firepower","comment_setting":0,"url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/news/7019917.html","lang_url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/en/news/7019917.html","redirect":"","lang_id":1,"author":"daicl","list_order":1113,"like_num":0,"pub_time":"2024-04-25 11:45:44","content":"","access_file":{},"article_addition":null,"display_author":"","summary":"Compared to slaying enemies on the map, PvP requires a comprehensive assessment of your team. This includes factors such as damage, resistance, recovery, and even status effects like attribute reduction. While trying to strengthen your team, picking the right Tower of Knowledge skills is crucial as they further highlight your immortals' advantages. Let's join Ignatius and explore two powerful skills together: Drastic Action and Infinite Firepower!","tags":"","title_class":"","view_count":0,"key_words":null,"prev":null,"next":null,"is_window":2,"AdditionContent":null,"new_url":"","old_url":"","version":""}
Legendary Skill-Drastic Action and Infinite Firepower
Compared to slaying enemies on the map, PvP requires a comprehensive assessment of your team. This includes factors such as damage, resistance, recovery, and even status effects like attribute reduction. While trying to strengthen your team, picking the right Tower of Knowledge skills is crucial as they further highlight your immortals' advantages. Let's join Ignatius and explore two powerful skills together: Drastic Action and Infinite Firepower!
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Patch V2.6.8 Update Journal
In the upcoming update, we are introducing a new casual idle gameplay - [Harbor Exploration]! With the new casual gameplay, we aim to provide Lords a break from the intense battles outside the city and provide them with a different gaming experience. Here are the details!
{"id":7019607,"status":1,"site_id":330,"cid":"news","category":"新闻","game_id":0,"thumb":["https://oss.gtarcade.com/ucms/d77dac59-9464-48f4-9817-6acdf1c936e1_2024-03-07.png"],"create_time":"2024-03-07 16:22:07","page_title":"","page_keywords":"","page_description":"","title":"Patch 2.6.7 Notes","comment_setting":0,"url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/news/7019607.html","lang_url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/en/news/7019607.html","redirect":"","lang_id":1,"author":"daicl","list_order":111,"like_num":0,"pub_time":"2024-03-07 16:22:07","content":"","access_file":{},"article_addition":null,"display_author":"","summary":"Our 3rd anniversary bash in Norheim has wrapped up! It's been awesome hanging out with you all. But hey, the fun's not over yet, our adventure's just getting started! We've spiced up the Open Arena and added some sweet upgrades. Check it out: we've added Artifacts and seasonal rules to mix things up, which gives you loads of new tactics to try out. We've also fine-tuned the Stone Slotting feature and tons of other event features. Excited? Keep reading to find out more!","tags":"","title_class":"","view_count":0,"key_words":null,"prev":null,"next":null,"is_window":2,"AdditionContent":null,"new_url":"","old_url":"","version":""}
Patch 2.6.7 Notes
Our 3rd anniversary bash in Norheim has wrapped up! It's been awesome hanging out with you all. But hey, the fun's not over yet, our adventure's just getting started! We've spiced up the Open Arena and added some sweet upgrades. Check it out: we've added Artifacts and seasonal rules to mix things up, which gives you loads of new tactics to try out. We've also fine-tuned the Stone Slotting feature and tons of other event features. Excited? Keep reading to find out more!
{"id":7019371,"status":1,"site_id":330,"cid":"news","category":"新闻","game_id":0,"thumb":["https://oss.gtarcade.com/ucms/96e6461f-f2db-4956-a3f4-db1c05f32a94_2024-01-20.png"],"create_time":"2024-01-20 17:43:23","page_title":"","page_keywords":"","page_description":"","title":"2.6.6 Patch Notes","comment_setting":0,"url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/news/7019371.html","lang_url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/en/news/7019371.html","redirect":"","lang_id":1,"author":"daicl","list_order":101,"like_num":0,"pub_time":"2024-01-20 17:43:23","content":"","access_file":{},"article_addition":null,"display_author":"","summary":"How time flies! Infinity Kingdom is thrilled to celebrate its 3rd anniversary in February. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and affection, as we've journeyed together through these past three years. As our anniversary approaches, we've prepared numerous new features and events, along with an abundance of optimizations based on your suggestions. Exciting additions include Equipment Gem Slotting, the Legendary Skill \"Ride Fast\", and the Immortal Guide feature. Additionally, our Alliance Alleviation Scheme continues with various alliance optimizations to streamline your gameplay experience. Enjoy!","tags":"","title_class":"","view_count":0,"key_words":null,"prev":null,"next":null,"is_window":2,"AdditionContent":null,"new_url":"","old_url":"","version":""}
2.6.6 Patch Notes
How time flies! Infinity Kingdom is thrilled to celebrate its 3rd anniversary in February. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and affection, as we've journeyed together through these past three years. As our anniversary approaches, we've prepared numerous new features and events, along with an abundance of optimizations based on your suggestions. Exciting additions include Equipment Gem Slotting, the Legendary Skill "Ride Fast", and the Immortal Guide feature. Additionally, our Alliance Alleviation Scheme continues with various alliance optimizations to streamline your gameplay experience. Enjoy!
{"id":7019084,"status":1,"site_id":330,"cid":"news","category":"新闻","game_id":0,"thumb":["https://oss.gtarcade.com/ucms/0b2620d0-a29b-4bfc-a647-bc3c0a157877_2023-12-08.png"],"create_time":"2023-12-08 14:09:41","page_title":"","page_keywords":"","page_description":"","title":"2.6.5 Version Patch","comment_setting":0,"url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/news/7019084.html","lang_url":"http://infinitykingdom.gtarcade.com/en/news/7019084.html","redirect":"","lang_id":1,"author":"daicl","list_order":100,"like_num":0,"pub_time":"2023-12-08 14:09:41","content":"","access_file":{},"article_addition":null,"display_author":"","summary":"Big news from Norheim! As the factions rose, players had been active in the Arena and Throne of the Supreme. However, battles were not satisfying enough with their many restrictions, and it was hard to find a worthy opponent. Therefore, with this new version, the developers followed the community feedback and introduced the new Free Arena in the hope that players could enjoy a thrilling combat experience in a competitive environment that would be free and fair. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran player returning to Norheim, you are free to fully utilize your strategies in the Free Arena. The tournament is now available. Who will win the first round of the season? We can't wait to see! This article will tell you everything you need to know about this update. Take a look and get ready for your next adventure!","tags":"","title_class":"","view_count":0,"key_words":null,"prev":null,"next":null,"is_window":2,"AdditionContent":null,"new_url":"","old_url":"","version":""}
2.6.5 Version Patch
Big news from Norheim! As the factions rose, players had been active in the Arena and Throne of the Supreme. However, battles were not satisfying enough with their many restrictions, and it was hard to find a worthy opponent. Therefore, with this new version, the developers followed the community feedback and introduced the new Free Arena in the hope that players could enjoy a thrilling combat experience in a competitive environment that would be free and fair. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran player returning to Norheim, you are free to fully utilize your strategies in the Free Arena. The tournament is now available. Who will win the first round of the season? We can't wait to see! This article will tell you everything you need to know about this update. Take a look and get ready for your next adventure!