IK-Studio Q&A #25


Good afternoon, it’s nice to see you all again! I wonder if everyone’s having fun with the version 1.9 update? Let us know in the comments! Anyways, let’s take a look at the 2th issue of IK Studio Q&A!


1. A message from Server 1’s over 280 kdi7djdni29o: market refreshes and NO Peter The Great fragments...

Joy: Hello lord, you can tap the icon at the upper left corner to check the probabilities of Immortal Fragments and their refreshes~


2. A question from Server 45’s Dont@mebro.#23: Why do i have .#23 in my name? I didn’t put it in.

Reki: Hi lord, I can see that you moved from server 23 to 45! Coincidentally, there’s a lord on server 45 with the same name, so the system automatically added “#23” to yours to distinguish between you two. You can change your name by tapping the avatar, and then the icon next to your name. (*^_^*)


3. A question from Server 137’s 絶火: 永久建設買ったけどキューがいっぱいって表示されて使えないけどなぜ? (I bought a permanent building queue, why can’t I use it?)

Arimaxie: Hi lord, we suggest restarting your game first. If the issue persists, please contact our customer service and we’ll help fix this issue!


4. A question from Server 116’s ☆Chaos☆: hola... la musica actual de IK es genial, pero escucharlo repetitivo no es bueno, pueden poner musicas variadas? por favor (Hello... IK's current music is great, but listening to it repetitively isn't good, can you play some different music? Please)

XinY: First, let us thank you for appreciating our current music! Rest assured, we are working on more music to be added into various parts of the game in the future, so please be patient!


5. A question from Server 131’s Vbheart13: Can you guys add Sun Wukong The Monkey King?

Trevor: Great idea! We’ll definitely discuss this! We’ve also been planning some small surprises for you all in terms of the designs of new Immortals, I hope you’re excited!