IK-Studio Q&A #20


Hi lords! This baby dragon is here to share the 20th issue of the IK Studio Q&A with you. Wow, has it already been 20 issues?!


1. A question from Server 7’s Xababa: How can i have Qin ? I know for arena but there are an other moment?

A Henry: Hello lord. You can currently obtain Qin Emperor through the following ways:

① After your server arena has reached its fourth season, players can purchase the Immortal from the Insignia Shop.

② By participating in the 7-Day Bonus event, you can obtain the Epic Dominance Chest. From this chest, you can choose either Qin Emperor or Yi Seong-gye.

③ You can get Qin Emperor Fragments from Lucky Spin.

④ You can obtain this Immortal from certain time-limited events.


2. A question from Server 31’s Ice: Как работает параметр шанс крит удара? Где он отображается? На что влияет? Есть ли разница между шансом крит удара и крит ударом. (How does the crit rate parameter work? Where is it displayed? What does it affect? Is there a difference between crit rate and crit hit?)

Sammy: Good question! An Immortal’s crit rate isn’t directly shown in the attributes page, because it’s determined by an Immortal’s crit value and the enemy’s resilience. Based on this, as well as any additional talents or passive skills, the final crit rate will be determined. Therefore, an Immortal’s crit rate will be different in each battle.


3. A question from Server 114’s Tarantul: Я собрал некоторых бессмертных полностью, зачем на рынке они появляются? Где логика?? (I have collected some of the immortals completely, why do they appear on the market? Where is the logic??)

Caeser: Hi lord, after an Immortal has max stars, there’s still a chance that the Immortal or Immortal Fragments will show up in the market. In future events we are working on, lords may come to find that these are useful! ~(*^_^*)


4. A message from Server 112’s Eiol-cc: Do you want candy? hahaha, come here.

Ikun: Hello lord! Thank you!! Having the friendship of all you lords is the sweetest treat we could have! ♥


5. A message from Server 23’s Reki: 我每次都会不小心分解掉史诗英灵的碎片,这个问题很困扰我! (I always accidentally dismantle Fragments of Epic Immortals, this problem is really frustrating!)

Formery: We’re really sorry to hear about this problem! As of now, you can tap the lock button in the upper right corner of the Alchemist Lab to lock them, so that Fragments can’t be accidentally dismantled. In future versions, we will also be adding a function that locks Epic Immortal Fragments automatically. Please be patient, lords!