IK-Studio Q&A #15


Hi Lords! Let’s welcome our newest issue of the IK Studio Q&A!


1. A message from Lord 10’s Aryans: Добрый день. У меня вопрос касательно серверов я на 8 уровне замка, сегодня вышел 100 сервер я хотел попасть туда но не могу так как в сетке серверов, нет серверов старше 93. (Good afternoon. I have a question about the servers, I'm at level 8 of the castle, today 100 server came out, I wanted to get there, but I can't because there are no servers older than 93 in the server grid.)

Sammy: Hi lord, due to the release of our game in some new regions, the number of players surged which caused certain servers to have too many players at once. We temporarily closed the relocation portal. After we make certain repairs and test them, we’ll enable relocation again in the new servers! O (* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ



2. A question from Server 45’s llinwen: Why does world heart drop after 2 hours?

Daye: Hi lords! Before version 1.5, players were able to occupy the World Heart when the event began, but we’ve made some changes in version 1.5. After the new update, lords can only occupy the World Heart from UTC 8:00-24:00 on the third day of the event. By shortening the time for the World Heart and Contention of Relics, we hope to increase the fun you can have!


3. A question from Server 89’s Maxan: de juego:como voy a una zona de recursos 2? (How do I go to a resource zone 2?)

Reki: Hello lord, first, you tap the world map and you’ll find a button that will display resource zones at the bottom left of the page. This will show you all the resource zones! (ง •_•)ง

PS: The closer it is to the Forbidden Zone, the higher the level of the resource zone


4. A message from Server 91’s holocaustoxx: termine el tercer piso del misterium jaula helada y no me aparecio el portal con las recompensas (I finished the third floor of the freezing cage misterium and the portal with the rewards did not appear)

Ikun: Hello lord, after your server completes Chronicle chapter 21, the Evernight Labyrinth (the 4th floor of the Mysterium) will automatically be opened. Then you can challenge the Evernight Labyrinth and get awesome rewards!

Tips: to challenge the Evernight Labyrinth, you’ll need to send two teams at once, so don’t forget to prepare a second team!


5. A question from Server 96’s Kingston: 遊客登入後如何進行綁定 (How do you bind an account after logging in?)

Moose: Lords can bind their accounts in the ‘Bind Account’ page under the account settings.

P.S. If players choose to bind to a third-party platform such as Facebook or Twitter, they can also create a new Gta account. This way, you have multiple ways of logging into your new account!