Elements Unit Guide- The Lightning Unit


In Infinity Kingdom, the Elemental Aura will grant extra buffs to the Elements unit. This means that from now on, it’s crucial to try and match Immortals with equal attributes when configuring battle formations. For example, if you deploy 4 Lightning Immortals and 1 Lightning Dragon at the same time, your entire team will deal more damage and become much harder to wipe out.


We have listed a few recommended units in the newest Strategy Center for reference purposes. If you have no idea how to form a powerful unit or are feeling confused about which Immortal to cultivate, check this guide, which will help you assemble a powerful Elements unit! 


In this guide, we will discuss the Lightning unit. Capable of dishing out high Physical Damage and possessing superb control ability, the advanced Lightning team is the true bane of Mages. Additionally, the basic Lightning team is equally suited to offense and defense and great in both PvP and PvE.


The Lightning Unit-Recommended Advanced Units:

With good Physical Damage and control ability, this team is the bane of Mages. Genghis Khan in particular is good at countering enemy healers and keeping the team’s damage high.


Peter the Great: He has strong skills. Can Dispel bonuses and Impale enemies. Can hit the back row, and skills are more pronounced in PvP.


El Cid: Reduce the damage taken by your front row troops, and deal counter damage to opponents.


Yi Seong-gye: Has a good damage multiplier and lowers enemy attributes while strengthening self. A core Lightning Immortal good for both PvP and PvE.


Genghis Khan: Genghis Khan has a mass area effect skill, a good damage multiplier, and the ability to inflict Wound. He is perfect for countering enemy healers.


The Lightning Unit-Recommended Basic Units:

This basic Lightning team is equally suited to offense and defense and good for both PvP and PvE.

William Wallace: William Wallace is a front row damager with a decent damage multiplier and a chance to Silence. He is one of the better Purple Immortals and good for transitional use.


Bedivere: Bedivere is a good choice when you have few Lightning Immortals. He is fairly easy to obtain and boost, and he deals increased damage to Rooted and Silenced targets.


Yi Seong-gye: Has a good damage multiplier and lowers enemy attributes while strengthening self. A core Lightning Immortal good for both PvP and PvE.


Constance: Constance is a back row Support Immortal. She can Dispel negative effects from her allies and increase the Crit Rate of 2 random units.